Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Movies, Part One: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So I really wanted to like this movie and for a hot minute I thought I did, but really I only liked Gambit and Sabretooth and what little of Deadpool we got, and the rest of it? Really, really sucked. Like this shit is BAD. The plot makes zero sense and on top of that it fails to take advantage of the vast backstory that the comics have established for Wolverine. Characters are literally mutilated; don't get me started on Deadpool and what they did to him, or how Emma Frost is somehow Silverfox's sister, or how Silverfox isn't even Silverfox to begin with. Why is Mystique not in this movie? Could the Blob be shittier?

On the plus side, Taylor Kitsch is perfect as Gambit, and Liev Schreiber is equally excellent as Sabretooth. And Ryan Reynolds shines for five minutes as Wade Wilson, so hopefully that spin off will work. But they all amount to a very small amount of saving grace for a movie that needed so much more. This shit is shitty.

Bottom line: Don't see this movie.


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